Welcome to Normandy Park Community Club!
About the Cove
The Cove (a.k.a. Lot A) consist of 18 acres located at the west end of SW Shorebrook Drive in the city of Normandy Park, WA. It includes 700 feet of waterfront on Puget Sound, a community clubhouse, tennis courts, woods with interpretive trails, two creeks (Miller and Walker), a duck pond for salmon rearing and a wetland area.
The Cove is privately owned by 1800 households which have an equal and undivided interest in this property. Use of the Cove property is limited to Lot A owners and their guests. Learn more.

Upcoming Events
Cove News
- All-Age Trivia Night at The Cove
- Chili-Oktoberfest
- Wine & Grillin’ in Our Backyard
- Pickleball Tournament 2024