Existing Condition & Demolition Plan
July 25, 2011
To Lot A property owners,
Those of you who were in attendance at last year’s annual meeting heard a brief description of several capital projects that the Board was planning to approve, specifically the Circle of Life landscaping project and the replacement of the deck surface material. To refresh your memories and for those who were not able to attend the meeting, here’s a description of each project and the work that is contemplated:
Circle of Life Project

This project is the culmination of many years of work and effort by many people on the board and in our community and will provide an enhanced outdoor space for weddings, receptions and other social gatherings. It is the last phase of the previously approved landscaping master plan which included replacement of the rustic bridge over Walker Creek and the new bridge among other enhancements. It will include decorative concrete paving, pervious pavers and landscaping to replace the grass area immediately west of the deck entry stairs. I have attached a copy of the final design for your information. The work will begin in September of this year, depending on the rental schedule for the Cove and will take approximately 3 weeks to complete. It will cost approximately $40,000 including design, permitting costs and construction.
Deck Surface Replacement
The deck surface is in need of replacement not only for appearance and durability but also for safety concerns. The old boards have been replaced on an “as needed basis” for many years but the time has come to plan for a permanent solution that will be very low maintenance and provide a safe and smooth surface for Cove visitors to use. The cost and schedule for this project have not been determined but we have obtained early estimates of approximately $50,000 to $60,000 depending on the deck material that is selected. Initial planning is underway and we anticipate a possible construction date of early 2012, again depending on the Cove rental schedule.
The reason for this letter is twofold – one to describe the work to you and secondly to let you know that after lengthy consideration of all options, the Board has decided to assess a capital improvement fee of $10 per year for only the next three years in order to pay for these two projects. This assessment, in addition to allocations from the annual operations budgets of the Cove and anticipated donations, will be sufficient to repay the Verla Turner Memorial Fund for the funds borrowed for these projects. The Board believes that these two projects will provide an attractive, safer and more inviting experience for all of us as well as for those who will be using the facility for many years to come. They are important to the Cove and will enhance the rental opportunities moving forward.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at 206-246-3251 or e-mail at larrybjork@comcast.net. I hope you’re enjoying your summer and I’ll look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting in October or at one of our Board meetings on the first Monday of each month.
Larry D. Bjork
President, Normandy Park Community Club